Daily Archives: February 2, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 1

Before we go back to photo talk, I wanted to spend a moment on something more important, Serving!  I joke a lot and even complain some about being in Golf prison, (working golf events), Football Prison, (you got it, working football events), and on and on, but really what ewe are doing is serving!  Yes it can get boring, yes you would rather be home, but these folks are really glad to have us get their sensors cleaned and loan them some gear they need.  Nikon Professional “SERVICE”  yep it’s right in our name!  It is a great feeling when someone says, “hey guys I’m so glad you’re here!”.  And the great thing is it happens all day!


Now service doesn’t end at y our job, how about your spouse, your children, grandchildren, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and perfect strangers, even imperfect one!!!  Everyday, we should be looking around us and asking the question, “who needs my help today?”  Serving God is not a part time job!  Often I here a Christian say, I wish I new how to serve God more effectively, it’s not as hard as you think!


I hope the photography sharing here helps and blesses you!


O.K. Another night in the French Quarter.  Last night we went down an found the French Quarter was a mad house, we opted for a slightly quieter street just outside the Quarter.  We went to have dinner and then took in the Spotted Cat Jazz Club.  We had a great time!  Walking around this time with just the X10, I got some keepers, I’ll share them below!




Above the street band “The Drunken Catfish Ramblers” with Tonal Contrast and Glamour Glow, applied (NIK Color Efex 4.0), below, black and white conversion in Nik Silver Efex Pro, in Antique Plate I.



Below, Electric Meters, with graffiti.


Above, young turk in sidewalk with iPhone.   Glamour Glow.

…..and finally, a sign that proves you’e in the twilight zone!



Have a blessed Saturday!


the pilgrim