Daily Archives: February 8, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 70


Today is my last day at 66!  Well 66 years of age, tomorrow I turn 67!  It is a milestone of sorts forme as my father died at the age of 66 and for many years, I’ve felt I wouldn’t last any longer than that myself, so if I make it until 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning I’ve made it!  Tonight at 9:00 p[.m. my dear friend Jim Sugar will turn the page to 67!  I love calling him and telling him I’m sure glad I’m not as old as him!


I hope I’ve grown older with grace, I hope I’ve grown wiser with age, more gentle in how I treat others, and I hope others understand that while I’m whiter around the beard, the fire for life still burns intensely  in my heart and spirit.  None of us knows how long we will be here, but I know however I am I’ll give it all I have for Him…..




the pilgrim


Just so happened that 66 was my football number in High School!

11 years, 3 months ago 5

I’m starting to love anything that reminds me of the past, my past, a country from years past…  Why? Who knows??!!  I’ve got a theory and I know, you know, I will share it.  First, I think the older you get the more you reminisce about the glorious past, it  might not have been that glorious, but it sure feels that way when you recall, “the good old days”.    I also have a great appreciation for what men and women used to with their hands, what they created!  I also have always been somewhat of history buff, and this gives me a chance to learn about things I did not know a great deal about.



So how has this changed me as a photographer?  Actually I’m drawn to and enjoy a lot more diverse set of subjects than in the past.  I love Old Car City, and Shaker Village, and the Train museum, and old airplanes, all kinds of things that are steeped in history and built with character, even when they are rusting or falling down!


I an also liking the simple pleasure of taking a compact camera and just exploring, cutting back on the weight of my system and going back to looking of images and trying to get the best I can with less in the way of gear.  I think I’m making another fundamental swing in my work, I’m excited and can’t wait to follow this path!


Change is good.  Change can help you see more clearly, and enjoy life with a renewed sense of excitement, it’s a good place to be, and it’s where I am right now.  Thank you Jesus!  Life truly is good!




the pilgrim


Old brick wall painting in Norfolk, Virginia, Compact camera.