Daily Archives: February 4, 2013

11 years, 3 months ago 3


Well a week of work came down to tonight!  Hundreds of Photographers have descended on New Orleans to watch the biggest sporting event of the year in America and around half the world.  I shot the image above during the game from one of the highest a perches in the stadium with permission of the NFL photography agencies permission.  The NFL tightly controls the publishing of images of the game, but my great friends at USA Today said this kind of use is not a problem.  I just couldn’t be at the game and not make at least one image to share with you guys!  I shot a straight shot and also did a Jim Begley special, a 3 shot (two stops apart with the D600 and 14-24),  hand held HDR which I processed and have shown you below.  I will not get to my hotel until the week morning hours and then it’s off tot he airport for a full day in airports tomorrow, I may not post again until Tuesday.  Hope you enjoy your Super Bowl evening with family and friends, would have loved to have watched the game with my family, but next year!!!!!!!!



Hope you’ve had a great evening and weekend, be blessed,


the pilgrim