Daily Archives: July 9, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 3



For a long time I have not been able to talk about some of my favorite products.  When you work for any company in the photography industry, they do not desire for you to openly talk about or endorse any products from other companies.  Retired, I’m no longer so restricted, and I’m glad because a number of great companies have provided us with products that I have both bought and used for years.  I’m glad to be able to openly share about them now!


My dear brother Bob Singh at Singh Ray  has been producing some of the very finest filters for years and years.  His handmade, polarizers, split Neutral Density, Variable Neutral Density and many other specialty filters are among the highest quality available anywhere.  His polarizers are among the most neutral and his warming polarizers a re the perfect touch for those that like a little extra kick up warmth.  His Light is proud to be sponsored by Singh Ray.   Check them out at:   http://singh-ray.com/grndgrads.html







When it comes to camera bags no single manufacturer makes everything I need,but three make everything I’ve needed so far!!!!   Think Tank, Lowepro, and Domke each make wonderful products and each maker has some special products that are , in my opinion the best int he market place!  First Think Tank makes the most rugged, serviceable bags, rolling bags, and belt systems out there today!  I use the modular belt system, the small backpack (Street Walker), the Airport Security 2.0 rolling bag, and they have served me very well indeed.  they also make a tonk of great smaller products like battery holders, card wallets, and on and on.    Lowepro is one of the most inovative of the camera bag companies offering a lot of wonderful bags, and packs that are lighter, and very well engineered!  I love the Flip Side Sport packs that are perfect for smaller mirror-less systems as well as the larger  sizes for DSLRs.  Domke is the classic bag company that has offered the tried and true photojournalists shoulder bags trusted by globe trotting shooter for generations!  I use them less than when I was younger as a fully loaded shoulder bag can get up close to 20 pounds or more, but it is a great, easy to work out of system and perfect for those that prefer a shoulder bag!  Why three favorites?, because they all are great and deserve a big shout out from me, they’ve been great friends, shooting side by side with me for many nears!    http://www.thinktankphoto.com/           http://www.lowepro.com/          http://www.tiffen.com/products.htm



    Ever since I met Martin Wood some years ago, I’ve been a Delkin fan!  I have used their cards for yearts and have never had a failure!  How many other shooters can say that           about their cards???!!!   Delkin also makes a number of other photographic products that I’ve relied on for some years, including; Replacement batteries, camera mounts, cleaning   supplies and archival CDs and DVDs.   You can view their products at:     http://delkin.com/


                      I have used and loved support products from these two great companies for many years.  I first got started with the late Mike Kirk when John Shaw and Larry west introduced us many years ago, and continued my friendship with Jeff Kirk, Mike’s son and now President of Kirk Enterprises.    Later I met Bryan Geyer who eventually sold Really Right Stuff to Joe and Joan Johnson, great folks!  Both of these firms make wonderful products for photographers and as is often the case, even though they make many products that serve the same purpose, they also have certain areas of expertise and that’s why I use and recommend both lines.  I can say without qualification that the Really Right Stuff ball heads are the best I’ve ever used, period!  I own all three models for different uses (BH-55 LR, BH-40 LR and the BH-30 LR).  I also love their L Brackets and tripods.  Kirk makes some very unique Items I can’t work without, including:  The Action Grip, Low Pod, Kirk support grips, the OmniPod, the Super Grip Handle, and the King Cobra articulated swivel head!  Two great companies run by super people.  they may be fierce competitors but they have both won my undying respect and business!       http://reallyrightstuff.com                           http://www.kirkphoto.com/                    


Jim and I both use and really love the NIK Software and the TOPAZ Software, each        has unique properties and we enjoy using both!  As I always say a day without Nik’s      Color EFEX 4.0 -= Glamour Glow is a wasted day!!!!

      http://www.niksoftware.com/nikcollection/usa/intro.html                 http://www.topazlabs.com/



Land’s End is the official team wear provider for His Light Workshops.          http://www.landsend.com


Other products I love and can’t work without!


Though not sponsors of His Light Workshops, I really like my lighter weight tripods from Induro and Vanguard.  

I own and like Hoodman magnifiers.  Wow, that felt good, I’ve wanted thank these great folks for a long time, so now I’ve had the chance!


Friends in the industry have been such an important part of my career, I can’t tell you how many times one phone call has pulled me out of real jam,, it’s that kind of industry,  filled with people just like you, and I that love photography and photographers!




the pilgrim