Daily Archives: July 17, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 6

Like many Americans I’ve been inundated with political talk about the Zimmerman trial all this week.  I have a solution!  First let me tell you about something we do at His Light Workshops. I search continuously for great Christian films that I can use to set up a little devotional time at our workshops.   It usually goes something like this, as the last thing one evening, in the classroom,we tell about a film and bring people up to the pivotal moment in the film by telling the back story.  We then play the film clip.  It has become a very powerful way for all of us to concentrate on what is most important in our lives.


We’ve featured such films at Seven Day in Utopia, What If, and Joshua, all great Christian films.  Some year back I found a film called The Grace Card, a very powerful film about forgiveness and Grace.  I won’t spoil it for the folks reading the blog that may attend Nashville, but the short story is, it is about a white policeman that tragically looses his son, by a young black man fleeing a robbery attempt.  His police partner, a black man, and part time pastor tries to witness to him and comfort him, but he is having none of it.  He has become very racist and bitter, destroying his life and marriage.  Through a series of events he finds himself on  his knees before God.  The bottom line is he must learn to forgive and offer God’s Grace.


Anger and hatred are a poison we concoct to kill someone else, but drink ourselves. Bitterness, hate, and un-forgiveness does far worse to the person doing the hating than the person they hate.  The emotions that have been stirred up in this tragic event are tearing our nation apart along racial lines.  It’s time to forgive the past, love one another,  and pledge to pray for one another, and agree that the hatred has to end.  Getting even does not bring justice, and justice is not as good as forgiveness and peace!  God will take care of justice, He wants us to take care of the forgiveness!


Pray for our country, that we might take a higher road to a place where we can lay all our cares and concern, pain, and hurt at the foot of the cross.




the pilgrim