Daily Archives: July 4, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 4

Today is the celebration of the declaration of our independence!  That liberty has been fought and paid for with countless lives over more than two centuries.  Every Memorial Day and 4th of July I go down and take out my copy of the the film, Saving Private Ryan.  I watch the last chapter and weep for how blessed we are as a nation to have had such a great price laid at the alter of freedom.  Celebrate your freedom today and thank those that have preserved it for you!  The link to that scene on You Tube is below, God Bless America!


Go to You Tube and typoe in Saving Priovatge Ryan

Watch these two clips:


HD – Saving Private Ryan – Death of Captain John H. Miller and Final Speech


Saving Private Ryan Ending


Omitted from this scene is the line spoken by the elder Private Ryan when he ays, “Tell me I have lived a life worthy of this sacrifice!”  May we all ask ourselves that today, are we worthy of the sacrifice laid down for us?  Commit to be, for God and Country.  Happy 4th of July!


We will never be worthy of Christ’s sacrifice, thankfully He has only asked us to accept it!




the pilgrim