Daily Archives: July 20, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 4



Am I excited about the Nashville event?  You have to be kidding, right??!!  Just imagine getting to hang out with the great group we have joining us, some old friends, some brand new ones! Teaching with Ricky and Jim, being joined by Snake, and Chuck!  I would drive to Nashville just to hang out with Nick Coury, and he will be a part of our event, that makes it extra special!  I think his sons Aaron will be coming, a double plus!   Then there is the shooting locations, The Ryman, with Ricky on stage!  Marathon Motorworks, Antique Archaeology, the Pickin’ Parlor, the Studio set up with priceless stringed instruments at Dury’s. Cannonsburgh Village in Murfreesbsoro, Broadway at night,and  the great cityscapes! Wow!


Then the food,  you knew I would have to have great food!  I love Rotiers and Ellington Place Soda Shop, great burgers in great down home environments, I can taste them now!  Needless to say this will be a great event, and I can’t wait to get it started,  5 days and counting……..  By-the-way, we do have a very few openings, but call fast!




the pilgrim


Photo Note:  Sign outside Ellington Place!