Daily Archives: July 22, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 5

The group above is some of our great friends with us in 2011 in New England, turned into a painting with NIK and Topaz software!  On Wednesday night Ricky Skaggs, Jim Begley, Snake Barrett, Chuck Barnes, Stephen Hart, and Nick Coury will join me and  a great group for the Nashville Americana Workshop!  I usually do a post a few days before an event to talk about how to prepare for a workshops, it’s been said before but since many of you attend various workshops it’s always a good thing to review so you will get  the most out of your experience!


(1)  Come prepared to learn.  The first step to learning is admitting to yourself that you still have things you need to master, and you are going to find those areas that need improvement, and work on them!   Know that you can and will learn from everyone, not jus the leaders, be open to pick up knowledge wherever it appears!


(2) Relax and have fun!  Learning comes much easier if you take a deep breath and see the entire process of an workshop as a grand adventure.  Trust that your leaders have done this before and will guide you into great learning experiences!  Expect to laugh a lot!


(3) Monitor your energy level and take breaks, and get rest!  Workshops can be non-stop activities, but you will learn best if you get some rest and take breaks.


(4) *At His Light Events – Expect spiritual growth and embrace it!  Our goal is to not only grow the photographer, but also the person.  We plan time for spiritual growth, take advantage of it, it may be the most important thing you will take away from your workshop!


(5)  Expect to make life long friends.  Some great friendships have started at workshops.  It is natural a bunch of people that love photography having fun and getting to know one another, it leads to great long term relationships!


Whenever you take a workshop, look at it as a great chance to enjoy the learning process!




the pilgrim