Daily Archives: July 1, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 56

Well I’m without a job!  Thank you Lord, it’s been a great run, but I’m ready to start the next one!!!!  I will be traveling to Bloomington to visit with Jim and Sue Haverstock and their great club.    Will be my first talk in almost eleven years as someone other than “the Nikon guy!”  Will be fun.  So much fun stuff to come can’t wait to get started, but for now let me tell you guys what will change besides a check every two weeks!


When I took the Nikon job my boss, and friend, Bill Pekala said, “You can never talk off the record because even when you say you are not speaking for Nikon people think you are, you’re the Nikon guy!” Well at 5:o0 p.m. July 1st I’m not!  I will still be happy to help anyone I can with camera questions, but I won’t be the Nikon person, I’ll just be a photographer willing to help!  Here is a list of things you need to know going forward;


1.  I will only be available at my home phone, my cell phone and my email  [email protected].  All my numbers are on the Contact space at the top of this page.  All other methods to try and reach me will be futile.


2.  I will check my email, but not 20 times a day, this is the start of a more “relaxed existence” so if you can’t get a response in 5 minutes don’t panic, text me, or call my cell or home phone!  As a tech rep I had to be ready at a moments notice, that’s not so much my description now!


3.  Sharing my thoughts, this is a tricky one, as a Nikon employee there were opinions I could not offer, after all I worked for a single camera company.  Now I am free to share my thoughts about many product, and equipment from many other manufacturers, and I will!


4.  I am committed to be a good, reliable resource about gear, and I will be doing tests, and lots of opinion pieces on the stuff we all love!  Unbiased and unpaid for my opinions!


5.  I’ve never lied to anyone on this blog, I have withheld information because of my position.  I hope to be more open and share information that will be helpful to my readers.  * I do not know any inside secrets and even if I did I could not share them, but I do have lots of information that I am free to share and I will!  44 years of doing this has given me a lot of what I hope you will find as valuable insights!


6.  The mission of this blog, and my life, will not change, my first mission is always to encourage people to get to know and love my Lord!  He already loves you!




the pilgrim


No that is not my new business!