Daily Archives: July 3, 2013

11 years, 7 months ago 9

I just got back home form a two day journey to Bloomington, Indiana to visit with my dear friends Jim and Sue Haverstock, to celebrate her birthday, and give a program for their camera club, it was a blast!  One of the things I promised myself for “after Nikon” was more time with family and friends, and this was a great way to start that personal promise.  Jim and Sue are great friends, and wonderful photographers!  I had the pleasure of attending their gallery showing with Kendall Reeve’s at his Gallery, it was terrific, all are excellent shooters!  I also enjoyed seeing Kendall again, a great guy, new father, and runs a commercial photography business in Bloomington, and a; great Gallery, if you are ever in Bloomington you need to check it out!  Here is a link:   http://spectrumstudioinc.com/


Yesterday Jim and Sue took me and Jeff to Story, Indiana where the Story Inn and Restaurant can be found. I had a blast shooting around the property there.  The shots below are some of my favorites of the take.  Before I share them, I have to say the Bloomington Camera Club was fantastic, really nice people, and very warm, and inviting.  We had a lot of fun talking about what we all really love, our photography, all-in-all, a great night!  I think I’m going to like this retirement thing, but I’m not slowing down any!


We had a wonderful time, and I am looking forward to my next trip up to that region!  Thinking seriously about a Brown County Fall event maybe in 2014!!




the pilgrim


Photo Note:  All images Fuji XE-1, 18-55, 60mm Micro, and 55-200.