Daily Archives: August 18, 2013

10 years, 11 months ago 14

If you’re fortunate, you have been blessed to have some mentors in your life!  My father was my first and most important mentor.  My brother Homer, and my partner in His Light, Jim Begley, and Dr. Charles Stanley have also been a great influence on my life.  At Nikon, Bill Pekala, was not only a life long friend, but also a mentor.  The list could go on, but these are some of the really important men in my life that have taught me by example.  Jim Haverstock is also on my “short list” of mentors!


A mentor is someone that influences us by their actions more than their words.  They teach us how to make responses instead of reactions.  They guide us, counsel us, and they are our confidants!  Jim Haverstock has been all those things to me.  I immensely enjoy just standing in the field, shooting next to him, and I love to hear him laugh!  He carries the large weight of experience, and the calmness of knowing God is in control.  I’ve never met a sole that didn’t have great things to say about him.  The highest compliment you can give anyone is to say you wish your son would grow up to be like him.  I hold Jim in that kind of respect.


I’ve been blessed with many wonderful gifts; a great family, a loving wife, friends that I treasure, but friends like these mentors, are rare indeed.  If you have such a friend, take a moment to tell them how much they are appreciated and honor them.  So Jim, this is for you, thanks my friend for all you do, and for your wise instruction, you’re a pure joy in my life!




the pilgrim


Getting a head start on Monday’s blog!

Photo Note:  Image made with the Fuji X100s