Daily Archives: August 29, 2013

11 years, 5 months ago 2

The image above says JG and in smaller type, what you can’t read, says Jack Graham!  Jack is an old friend of mine who has become one of the best workshop leaders in the business. We started out a long time ago and he has become a more and more accomplished photographer through the years.  He runs very successful workshops and tours all across America and the world.  When he called me some months back and asked if now that I was retired, would I join him to co-teach a few workshops I was both honored and thrilled!  I am delighted to be joining him in three upcoming workshops, one is not until next late spring/early summer, Columbia Gorge, so I’ll write about that one again later.


Coming up this fall we are doing two fantastic workshops together:


Fall Color in North East Ohio and a Day with the Amish   –   October 10th – 13th

Jack really knows this fantastic region of Northeastern Ohio in and around the Cuyahoga Valley N.P.  and this should be the perfect time for fall foiliage!  He has also arranged a day of photography with a wonderful Amish family he knows very well.  This will be a great experience and  I’m thrilled to be joining him, Only two spots remain open, I hope you can join us, this is the link to his website to get more information and hopefully sign up!!




Be sure to visit his website to get full information!!!


Death Valley National Park   –  November 8th – 12th


Death Valley is one of the most interesting landscape opportunities in the National Park System! By November the temps have dropped back down to the pleasant range and the light is angled perfect for fantastic morning and evening shooting.  We will be staying right in the park and the workshop should be a great experience.  It’s and easy trip!   Just fly into Las Vegas and drive the three hours over to the park!  Once again we have limited space so check out Jack’s website for full details!



I’m thrilled to be able to join Jack for these two events.  I expect great fellowship, and great shooting, and with Jack and I lots of laughter!!!!




the pilgrim


Photo Note:  All images copyright Jack Graham.