Daily Archives: January 25, 2023

1 year, 7 months ago 11
Posted in: blog


I got inspired this morning!  I was looking at Youtube videos, something I do way too much, but, I found a review of the X-T5 and it was one of the most wonderfully produced videos I’ve seen in a while.  The information was spot on and the video work was very, very well done.  Don’t worry, I will link it below!


Anyway, the point of the video was this person got an X-T5 and, for two weeks, shot one image a day with one lens the 56mm f 1.2.  It reminded me of a great book Jim Brandenburg, celebrated national Geographic photographer and friend, did many years ago.  So I have decided to take the month of February, usually a very un-inspiring month around where I live to make images and make one image a day for the month!  I will use the new X-T5 and some one lens to be determined.  I’m leaning toward either the 18-55 f 2.8-4 or the 50mm f 2.  I will allow myself one close-up diopter so I can do some close-up images too. The self imposed rules will be.


1.   One frame per day, that is one shot only.

2,  I will allow myself to let the camera bracket three different film simulations for that one shot;  Velvia – Provia – Acros with a red filter.

3.  I will allow myself only a minimum of post processing, basically I want the images to be straight out of the camera, jpegs.

4.  I will keep the camera, tripod and close-up diopter with me all the time and only attempt a shot when I think I have what is worth my one frame per day.

5.  I will post that image, everyday, regardless of the success of the image.

6.  The pressure is on now!!!!!  ….and that’s a good thing, that is why I’m doing this, to force myself to get really serious again about looking, seeing, shooting and planning out my shots!



I hope you will join me everyday to see how it is going, I encourage you to post your thoughts to encourage me to stick with it!!!!!  Hold my feet to the fire!


The first image will be posted February 1st!

Here is the video that inspired this project:



Thanks for coming to my blog!





the pilgrim